Cleveland artist and poet Smith

ArtCrimes 01
If Indication Abnormal

120 copies published May 1986
31 poems by 15 poets

click on desired poet

Arnold, Anna   Diary, April 1, 1986 12:43 am

Dick Head   Dead Frogs

Kemp, George P.   An Elegy To Unheard Poets & Unseen Art

Marsh, Toni Frabotta   Feed a Fever
Marsh, Toni Frabotta   Me & Joe
Max   I Agree
Max   Schultze's Diagnosis
Max   Vincent

Reynolds, Stephen   The Adventures of Stone Ranger & Snorto

Smith, Cat   americana
Smith, Cat   Please Disregard
Smith, Cat   right angle reality
Smith, David Alexander   I Have Cursed
Smith, Pappy   Number 1 Son
Smith, Steven B.   Cain in Isolation
Smith, Steven B.   Mausoleum, Museum, Movie
Smith, Steven B.   Night Fragments
Smith, Steven B.   Whethered Would
Sparks, Amy Bracken   Ivory Talisman
Sparks, Amy Bracken   On the Beach

Thompson, Daniel   One More Graffito
Thompson, Daniel   The Message

Velcro, Desmond   Nu Ace

Weigel, James Jr.   Two Haiku (7)
Weigel, James Jr.   Two Haiku (9)
Weigel, James Jr.   The Waitress
Weigel, James Jr.   XXVIII

Zubal   Four Haiku

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