Cleveland artist and poet Smith

ArtCrimes 02
Wretched Excesses

250 copies published March 1987
33 poems by 10 poets

click on desired poet

Drake, Luigi-Bob   angels
Drake, Luigi-Bob   Dear Abby
Drake, Luigi-Bob   of have with pair
Drake, Luigi-Bob   times flies small world

Franke, Christopher   Sonnet
Franke, Christopher   The Lost Poets
Franke, Christopher   Unremitting
Franke, Christopher   What the Voice

Kemp, George P.   Esculations
Kemp, George P.   Not About Ringdoves

Ritchie, Robert   A Poem for d.a. levy
Ritchie, Robert   The Sick Mind

Salinger, Michael   A Poem Shaken from A Bowler Hat
Salinger, Michael   After the Factory's Whistle Blows
Salinger, Michael   American Expressway
Salinger, Michael   The Semi Driver
Smith, Cat   You
Smith, Steven B.   Empirical Dada
Smith, Steven B.   Heroin
Smith, Steven B.   Past Lies and Poverty
Smith, Steven B.   RSVP
Smith, Steven B.   Shard
Smith, Steven B.   Slave and Masturbation
Smith, Steven B.   Wall Street
Sparks, Amy Bracken   Preserving Natural Wonders
Sparks, Amy Bracken   What Does The Murderer Do The Morning After?

Thompson, Daniel   K-65
Thompson, Daniel   That We Are One
Thompson, Daniel   The 23rd Skiddoo
Thompson, Daniel   The Eagle and the Dove
Thompson, Daniel   Wild Onions

Velcro, Desmond   Philosophy
Velcro, Desmond   Work of the Artist's Hands

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