agent of chaos presents its first guest artist - Jeff Chipls & his found neon art
Dilna Residency & Symposium
installation fotos & text by Jeff Chiplis
Mikulov, Czech Republic - Found Neon Installations
July - August, 2004
"The Three Smallest Rooms in the Chateau of the Castle at Mikulov"
click small image for large image - click NEXT LARGE to scroll thru castle installation - click DILNA to return here

from Mikulov, Czech Republic - Jeff Chiplis
hey smith,
took some digital pictures of neon installations in the three smallest
rooms in the chateau of the castle in mikulov. someone is on there way
here to download the pics from the camera and then on to you.
things are really fantastic here, talked to the tv news people on
wednesday and a newspaper reporter today. its great to have this much
time to do one's work without a care in the world.
i'm keeping a journal so you can read all about it when i get back.
first off, sorry i didn't rotate before i sent and there were
probably a couple that didn't need to be sent anyway.
but here' s a description of what was going on:
001 studio test shot
002-006 Neon (fire) place room
007-008 Blue fire
009-010 Purple fire
011 Natural neon arc in the place room
012-013 Red and Blue semi-circles in the Two Halves Don't
Make a Whole Room
014-016 Arcs with fragments
017-019 can be fitted together for one panarama?
020-032 different installations in the Gas Supply Room
so i had an interview with the newspaper the other day, and they asked if there was anything
in the u.s. that compared to Mikulov. i thought for a moment and replied "Disneyland is alot
like Mikulov with one important exception. Mikulov is real, whereas Disneyland is a fantasy."
Mikulov is a small town with a big castle and an adjoining chateau. they have a contemporary
art collection that they have been developing over the last ten years of the "Dilna" program.
the real luxury here besides the beautiful scenery, warm climate and friendly people is the time
to work on ones art.
visited a neon tube bender in city of Brno, about 45 minutes north of here and he was happy
to give me what ever glass i wanted. i used some of this in the digital foto project that you see,
called "The Three Smallest Rooms in the Chateau of the Castle at Mikulov". i wanted to
do something with these pieces of glass before i fixed them into sculptures that i will be leaving
here for the town of Mikulov and the many people who visit.
once again, i would like to thank the people at TFT transfotec for furnishing transformers and
grand webmaster smith for making the site possible.
more later,
jeff chiplis
European magical mystery tour journal reading & magic lantern show
a few magic lantern fotos
e mail jeff at jeffrychiplis @-sign sbcglobal dot net
fotos & words by chiplis / webwork by smith
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