Contemporary mixed media collage, urban assemblage art, and modern poetry

a potpourri of debris

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bathroom 1968
flyer02 lamentations weber poem
postcard 01 flyer01 mother & child

junkstock installation

jessica littlefield & smith

bugeye mom

In moving from Baltimore to Michigan in 1976,
to Chagrin Falls in 1977,
to Solon in 1978,
to a Cleveland warehouse in 1981,
and here to Tremont in 1985,
I threw everything into boxes to be gone thru later.

I never bothered to open most of the boxes.

Now needing more studio space for my broken mom,
I'm going thru and tossing 99%.

Here's some of the 1% I'm keeping.

Smith 3.21.2004


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fotos of smith from 1946 thru 2004

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answer sheet on how to read fables

ritual sacrifice, from hell to heaven - a fable in 42 fotos

dark passage - a fable in 37 fotos

countdown - a fable in 25 fotos

29 pieces in private collections

46 pieces in private collections

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