...your b& white collage reminds me of langston hughes' "is it black on white or white on black?" or maybe i reversed it...hmmm...


...love the illusion of motion in stationary prison - oppression in flux...gender, ethnicity, mental-physical ability, sexual orientation, age - the five primary human differences - dimensions of diversity...we are born with...are all present....after all "we are like and unlike each other..." the paradox of diversity.

...what your energy collage evoked in me...

oppression...is an illusion..

on gender... patriarchs run the world...she who is in his image unknowingly colludes...(horse male head over female figure

ethnicity..."pleasantville" black and white and multi-color..prejudice is limiting(black and white wave bars)

mental-physical ability...masculine rules((horse symbol male power)

sexual orientation...chastity belted...repressed..controlled

age...time, a human invention, limits (dune waves motion illusion)

...power packed piece you created...canned energy...chi held hostage...i can go on and on...

emily tan - november 26, 2004

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