www.agentofchaos.com presents guest artist, poet, musician, storyteller Hashim El-Ra-Mun
Hashim El-Ra-Mun

Where lies my confidence
My surety
Sunken back down
In the salt of the earth
Whence came my humility -
I've forgotten
All there is to know -
I've entered the realm of
Nothingness -
A place much familiar then
I settle my being into this
I have become
I have become
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A Tribute To Robert Nesta Marley
Oh we the living, let us not forget
Those whom have gone before us,
Only to return back to a place much
More familiar than before.
On, Rastaman, from the tribe of Joseph
Shining fore to your people a towering
Force of love, enabling freedom to
Ring twice, making a path for others
To follow guided by the power of Jah,
You have surely come to please.
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How I long for language of my homeland
For the soul is tired of fun and games
Without an aim.
The soul wishes to unite with that which
Is eternal, through one's intellect;
Could that have been my yesterdays?
The here and now I have become.
Spiritman, Spiritman, I have become.
I felt the voice of time renewed.
The silent approves my very being.
Spiritman, Spiritman I've been -
This gift of life unfolds. . .
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Something touches your
Mind, body and soul for a
Flower showers every
Embracing love emanating
From the heart ever flowing
Toward others . . . free as
Anything that lives holding
Life's perennial forces that
Tend to bind us,
Oh how we love!
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Embellishment of these futile times
Pushing forward toward complete
Ness never really looking
At today, we are all receiving
Fulfillment in some ways
More than others.
Yet in the given ways there is
Life to decorate and adorn
And so we excel forward
Showing others the way.
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What makes us one
When there are no more differences,
We are one!
When one links up with that kind,
This kind, your kind, my kind!
Viewing the universe!
When we travel side by side
Freeing up, freeing up.
When one's eyes make contact
With one's heart, your heart,
My heart; these things make
Up what is good in men and women
It just is that way! You just
Have to know!
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No beginnings, no end
Timeless space prevails
Throughout the universe
The merge of unconscious thoughts
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How I understand you to be
You're not someone to be
Revered nor feared!
All things come to pass
With you. Your ability to
Conquer ignorance gives you
I shall not try to contain you or
Hold you from yourself
As you speak plainly to my soul
Your soul
I've known you from your
Beginning no more different
From then! For you have no end
You are truly the extension of the
Mother father spirit which comes to
Save those whom will not see
Themselves as the perfect black
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agent of chaos
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What is kept inside our
Experiences is held special.
For when the heart meets
The mind words fall to
Earth like seeds planted
Upon an open field;
A lifetime of all your
Experiences is all there is
Then and now.
So take flight in the
Unimperishable, the soul
Reflected by its own
Divine light!
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This life
This time
This oneness with all give
Insight into the eternal
Now. Isness I am
Bending the wheel of
The year 1921, 1932, 1954, 1968, 1987,
2001 endless is time
Which is beyond measure
Eternity can be founded
Within one's thoughts leaping
Then the minds of many!
Victory is mine at choosing
It has forever been mine at
Will! Opposition has been
Fooled. There are no casualties
For the road of life is self contained and
Its mysteries are but many to unfold.
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agent of chaos
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Light beings traveling to and
From; collecting thoughts
For fuel their destination
To reach the soul of God
From whence all things
And nothing
The cycle of birth and rebirth
Has ended. Transformation
Of the soul has taken on
The eternalness oneness
With God;
Identity is need no more!
Forward into the void from whence
I have come finding no
Separation with light and darkness
Existing at the same time mind
Has become causeless light.
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agent of chaos
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Throw away all conditioning
Exist on endless thought or
Feelings that preceded the
Concept of words.
Sound and light vibration
Evolving around the life
Force; it is the ideal of
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When my thoughts are moving
Faster than time and there is
No warmth from the sun anymore,
I shall seek one another's
Light . . . for there is nothing
More to own! And when my
Body has gone the way of all
Things that change, I am
Reminded again of eternalness
The light of my life . . .
Africa, Africa I've come home,
The voice of these fore bearers
Of truth! We have carried their
Vibrations of light with
Us since the beginning and it shall
Stay with us throughout a lifetime
To come! Africa, Africa we've come
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As people
We talk
As friends we explored
As love one
We grow into being
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This is life
At present there is you in movement with the time
and its enfolding pace, for you to create what is
and to enhance what will be!
The key is being conscious of the energy that
moves us, which is love. The ultimate reality
of self.
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Jai Srila Prabhupada
"All praises to Srila Prabhupada and his loving devotees!"
During the early '70s I was exposed to Krishna Consciousness, but I didn't give it much time or attention, although I knew from reading from the pages of Bhagavad Gita that it was like having a very intimate conversation with myself.
Since those early years I found myself drawn to the movement particularly by the chanting and exciting kirtanas. I have had fellowship with various devotees and can definitely say that Srila Prabhupada and his teachings live on.
My association around Godly people reminds me how one should never forget to celebrate life! Hare Krishna!

Hashim at Smith's 11.10.2003
Hashim El-Ra-Mun
fired clay
contact Hashim El-Ra-Mun at
Hashim1954 at-sign yahoo dot com
2260 East 84th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44103 USA
(phone) 216.391.2117
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