contemporary mixed media collage, urban assemblage art, and modern poetry of steven b. smith   
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my art may or may not be for sale, depends on the piece and my mood.

the majority of my artwork is not displayed online, so I recommend you arrange an appointment to see the art. we have far too many pieces to keep current prices listed, so if something interests you, email us and i'll send prices.

all pieces are original and one of a kind. since many use found objects and are 3-dimensional,
they might be awkward or rather heavy for shipping. some would have to be picked up or delivered. personal viewing is also recommended since the art changes greatly depending on time of day, lighting, etc.

i have accepted commissions in the past. i may or may not in the future. see Circuit Diving and Mouse Dreams for previous commissions.

A few examples of previously purchased pieces can be seen at 29 collected pieces, 46 collected pieces and more collected smith.

> contact smith

> or view more information about steven b. smith

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